this one I've shown you on the previous post.
(just done coloring the first tree. 3 more to go.)
and hell yeah, it sucks.
i am so lame in watercolor..
well okay, everything's bad, i'm lame in everything.
people with no face. freaky, eh?

just done half of it. and i don't like it. it does look lame. told you I'm lame. ahh shit! how i hate color!
I've never been good in color. not even crayon or color pencil or whatever that is used to color.
well, that's all.
they are pretty pathetic, eh?
I don't understand just what I've been learning all this time.
you should see my friends' works.
and my lecturers'.
and you will be amused, i believe.
but, well since this is my blog, they got no chance to fill this post with their works. lol.
and after this, we will do design.
no more copying. :D