not knowing where to go or who to find, he ended up writing this journal.
he has the life of an ordinary person, yet the way of thinking of a melancholia.
he just doesn't know how to find that four-letter thing.
P. S. the navigator buttons are the colored bookmarks.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
I know you don't really care about what I'm saying.
Every single new message I send will be just another "press and delete" work to you.
Act speaks louder than word, I know.
And I realize that I talk much more than act.
But that's because of your not giving me any chance to act.
So, please give me that chance and I'll show you that I officially love you.
xxx..Labels: about her
11:39 PM
Monday, February 23, 2009
Do we really need our own doraemon (you can call it as a genie, or a well of wishes, or whatever you like. You know, it's like something that could grant us every single wish we ask) in our life?
Why or why not?
Send me your answer by CLICKING HERE, and I'll write your opinion below.
1. Elisabeth - wow, it's a great temptation to have my own doraemon. But i choose no, because if everybody got their own doraemon or genie or something, then people will become get used to "want and ask" not "want and do the best" anymore.
2. Kevin - nah, why? we have our own problems but we have to face the problem not crying over the problem.
3. Stephanie - i really wish i have my own doraemon. but , i think if we had it , we would be lazy like nobita.LOL. we must try everything ourselves , right ?
7.Labels: voting
8:17 PM
This week's quote..
"Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad."Labels: quote
8:05 PM
You guys should have known about what "butterfly effect" actually means.
Yeah, Changing means everything, that's the point.
When you try to change a little thing, or do something differently, you're actually doing some big changes.
How could that be?
Well, the simplest way to describe this effect is like this:
You see, as you're at the equator and you go straight ahead the line, you're actually traveling through that line, and you'll travel back to the place where you begin, and you're actually not going anywhere.
But when you take 1 degree to left or to right from the very first place, you could now go far away from the equator line.
Remember.. just 1 degree, and it could have changed the way you travel.
(In this case, you'll travel back to the place where you begin too, for the earth is round.
This effect is valid only on the flat surface with no limitation of its size.)
And I'd like to say "Yes, you're changing your world right now, right here."
Be ready for changes.
Inspired by: Kevin's post
Credit: Butterfly EffectLabels: things
7:21 PM
Saturday, February 21, 2009
This song brings back memory, so I'd like to share it with you all.
Your Guardian Angel - The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
Your Guardian Angel [Acoustic] - The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
When I see your smile
tears roll down my face.
I can't replace.
And now that I'm strong I have figured out
how this world turns cold and it breaks through my soul,
and I know I'll find deep inside me, I can be the one.
I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all,
even if saving you sends me to heaven.
It's ok...
It's ok...
It's ok...
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing
and stars are falling all for us
days grow longer and nights grow shorter
I can show you I'll be the one.
I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever.
I'll be there for you through it all,
even if saving you sends me to heaven.
Cause you're my
you're my, my,
my true love,
my whole heart,
please don't throw that away.
Cause I'm here, for you
please don't walk away and
please tell me you'll stay, stay..
Use me as you will
pull my strings just for a thrill
and I know I'll be okay
though my skies are turning gray.
I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
even if saving you sends me to heaven.
I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
even if saving you sends me to heaven.Labels: Music
12:01 PM
Faking My Own Suicide (Acoustic) - Relient K
So, I've made up my mind
I will pretend to leave this world behind
And in the end, you'll know I've lied
To get your attention
I'm faking my own suicide
I'm faking my own suicide
Because I know you love me
You just haven't realized
I'm faking my own suicide
They'll hold a double funeral
Because a part of you will die
Along with me
I wish you thought that I was dead
So rather than me, you'd be depressed instead
And before arriving at my grave
You'd come to the conclusion
You'd loved me all your days
But it's too late
Too late for you to say
Because I'm faking my own suicide
Because I know you love me
You just haven't realized
I'm faking my own suicide
They'll hold a double funeral
Because a part of you will die
Along with me
I'll write you a letter that you'll keep
Reminding you your love for me is more than six feet deep
You say aloud that you would have been my wife
Right about that time is when I come back to life
And let you know
I'd let you know that all along I was...
I was faking my own suicide
Because I know you loved me
You just never realized
I was faking my own suicide
I'll walk in that room and see your eyes opened so wide
Opened so wide
Because you know
Because you know you will never leave my side
Until the day that I die for the first time
And we'll laugh, yeah we'll laugh
And we will cry
So overjoyed with our love that's so alive
Our love is so aliveLabels: Music
11:40 AM
I wish you two Rest In Peace..
Well, I don't know you and you definitely don't know me.
But you are my friends' friends, so I'd like to give you my deepest sympathy.
Besides, we're the same, we're human being.
I can feel what you felt, scared of death.
May Jesus Christ always be with you.
To their parents, I can't talk much..
I'm sorry about them.
May God bless you.Labels: people
11:27 AM
Friday, February 20, 2009
There's too many fake and nonsense reasons going around.
I'm kinda hate that kind of stuff.
You're so chicken when you tell lies.
You said you told jokes, when you actually meant it.
You're pretending to be good, but what I could see in your eyes was only hatred.
And the worst thing is, you're PROUD of it??
What I'm begging is only your being honest.
You needn't tell me, you're obviously lying.
You're not good in lying.
Wake up, dude!
Can't you learn?
You be honest!
Even bad men need honest and believable men to look after their money.
Still, can't you learn?!Labels: people, things
10:53 PM
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Why can't I upload photos to blog from my mobile phone?
Someone should upgrade this stuff.
It's time for me to take my eyes off the ground, see the world, leave everything behind, learn from mistakes, move forward, and do everything better!
No need to be sorry for anything.
Everything is gift.
Gift from Jesus changes how people act and react to something.
If it's so, I should probably thanks for what I've got.
I've ever heard this quote.
"If sadness gives pleasure, I'll be on it everytime, yet it doesn't. So why must we waste our time thinking of how to be sad?"
I'm so inspired with that quote.
Life can't wait, huh?
Thanks to y'all.Labels: the day, things
4:00 PM
Today's class is full of LOL.
And it totally drives me crazy!
At least, with today's class, I could leave my sadness far behind.
Thanks to you, friends.
I appreciate that a lot.
Christopher, the blackest man in class.
Bunga, the easiest girl to tickle.
Stefhanie, my tablemate who used to write my notebook for me.
Cynthia, the craziest lady(halah..) I've ever known.
Indi, the "sok tau"est person and the "memang tau"est person in the neighborhood.
Timothy, the most obsessed person to be a magician.
(Sukakmu! Sukakmu!)(JOUP)(CROT). Lol.
Theo, our afgan with his double triple oktaf voice over women's normal voice.
~Hey..! Cynthia is JOUP-ing
Oh yeah..
FYI the hottest thing in class now is magic card tricks.
The class is now crazy about it!
Just in few days, this class produces many many new magicians.
I also learn much!
Here is what happens in class.
We sing along like crazy and I almost die because of it!
They are all insane!
Well, don't feel offended, okay? :)
This is the song.
"stay close, don't go"
The climax is when we reach "if you leave me tonight, I'll wake up alooooooooone~"
*jereng jeng jreng*
We then scream out loud!!
I do scream with 1-2 oktaf over normal and it sounds so weird!
The others scream with antusiasm over limit.
There's teacher here and she's supposed to see us.
Timothy and Theo are playing cards now.
I think this class is getting worse day by day. :DD
I enjoy this day so much.
2 days to go 'till our exam, but we still act that crazy.
I'd like to do some card tricks now.
Who is easy-cheated?
Got to go.
I'm going to continue my LOL with them.
Ciao..Labels: ???, people, the day
11:39 AM
Monday, February 16, 2009
Luck didn't take place at all, huh?
I heard so many 'good luck' phrases, here and there.
None of them worked, I think.
And my efforts didn't reach either a single piece of her heart.
How shameful I am!
You can't even cry when you want!
You're that weak, aren't you?
I don't know how to describe my feeling now.
I feel so sad, yet relieve with what I've got from her.
I just can't breathe normally right now.
Are we better off this way?
Do friends really enough?
I'm alive.. yeah.. I'm sure I'm alive.
But I think I've lost the sense of living.
Need I learn to hate you?
I don't know what to do now.
"Love is Largely an Art of Persistence."
Here is my favorite quote.
The quote which always strengthens me.
I think I won't give up that easy.
Can I hold up with that?
I'm really pleased to meet her.
Thanks God for uniting me with her.
I won't regret..Labels: about her
9:24 PM
Friday, February 6, 2009
Well, I'm sitting in the winfield bus while writing this post.
It's kinda boring for me to just sit and do nothing.
I post then.
I think I'll truly post regularly right away since I could have connected to the internet via mobile phone.
Oh yeah, I'd installed eBuddy into my mobile phone.
I can now chat with the others even I'm not in front of PC.
"Perubahan itu perlu."
Quote from Surya Slim.
Lol.. =)
Another thing I've done so far is that I've finished Cindy's project without me burning it!
Good job Garry. =DD
Everything runs smoothly, don't they?
Well. Well. Well.
I think that's enough for now.
My bus has arrived and I gotta to study for better english. =P
Ciao..Labels: the day
7:58 AM
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
I get something new today.
At last, I know that IM3 doesn't need any registration for the GPRS to connect to the internet.
At last, I can connect to the internet via mobile phone.
At last, I write and update my blog with my N5220.
Lol. =DD
Oh please..
I know I'm so not up-to-date.
You are, or maybe we are in a modern world.
But just let me feel fun with it, okay?
I seldom get something new. =)
It's hard actually, and really takes a long time to post a post.
Well, the keypad is damn small and the tabs are absolutely less than the tabs in a PC's keyboard.
The features are incomplete, so on and so on.
And one thing I know for sure.
Isn't it too few?
I could tell the world about the things which are happening around the world now.
It's not enough, I think.
Well, it means that I have to end this post.
Here it ends.
Ciao..Labels: things
7:25 PM
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Today's the second day of my holiday and still, nothing to do.
i slept, woke up, was dazed for a while, looked around, felt like going to shower, brushed my teeth, sat on my bed, slept again, woke up again, was dazed again, walked to my PC, connected to the internet, played games, disconnected, did my wardrobe, took my bag, waited for the Winfield bus, went to Winfield, and there I was..
Simple day from the simplest man in this house.
Well, there's only me in my house now.
I feel kinda weird here.
Yeah, I'm left here and asked to take care of the house.
That bored me a lot so I write.
Today's Winfield's lesson interested me.
It's grammar, my favorite lesson. :)
"Both...and, Not only...but also, Neither...nor, Either...or, Whether...or." bla..bla..bla..
I swear, today's class was killing me!
I just LOL around like crazy because of some stuffs me and my friends did there.
It's fun, yet boring.
Okay, my life is absolutely boring, I know. Here and there, this and that, everyday is just the same as the other passed days.
Well, hello!
That's not my fault.
Nobody sends me any surprises.
I need one actually. :)
For those who read this blog, you know what to do.
lol.. :DD
After class, I was walking out when I saw some of my friends were laughing while looking at me.
i wonder what was it?
Did I wear my T-shirt upside down?
Was there something in my face?
Did my un*****ar pop out? :D
IDC.. :)
As soon as I arrived home, my dad asked me whether I wanted to go to have our dinner at Sushi-Tei or not.
Kind of opportunity, huh?
Of course I accepted that..
I think I found out that my friend(not actually close-like friend) was there too after checking her blog just now.
I couldn't find her there.
Well, never mind that.
Ohh yeah, I had influenza!
Wow, this is so killing me!
I think Kevin did it.
I went to his house last night and he was having influenza too.
Damn you Kevin..
lol.. :D
Just kidding.
Ahhh, I can't breathe..
I think I'll just sleep.
That's for today.
I'm wondering about what DRAMA QUEEN actually means.
I still can't find the answer.
Could someone tell me about that?
I'm curious. :D
Thanks..Labels: ???, the day
11:51 PM
Monday, February 2, 2009
I'm updating this blog!
It's amazing.
At last, I can update regularly.
Today's holiday.
There's Try Out for UN at school for the 3rd grade students so we're given 3 days of holiday.
Kinda boring actually, for I have nothing to do while the day.
You see, my days are so boring.
Updates don't seem necessary, huh?
Today's just like bla..bla..bla.. and bla..
Valentine's approaching, exam's approaching.
It's confusing me.
I can't focus to either one of them.
Valentine day is important for me(well, at least this is the first time I could be so serious in doing something and feel happy with it), but I can't just leave my exam too.
Really, I need my Guardian Angel...
I'm boring!
I think I will just write a poem for today.
Guardian Angel
By: Garry the Weirdo :DD
My Guardian Angel
Help me
Thank you
The end
Okay. it's done. :)
Ciao..Labels: the day
11:15 PM
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Well, though she has said that she gives up to fight something, she seems so calm and elegant, just like usual.
I won't stop respecting her! :)
She still shows her smile.
She still shows her pretty face, but I know, there's a face in despair behind that.
She asked me to cheer up.
How strong she is.
Okay. cheer!
We had our dinner at Cambridge.
It's my first time and I took some photos there.
Here goes.

Labels: the day, things
10:45 PM
I don't know whether it's necessary or not, but I would like to write about this stuff.
Actually, I don't really like to talk about it, for this will truly make me down, and this is so not good for my soul. :(
As "the secret" has stated that positive thinking brings good things, so on and so on.
And I think this will really bring bad effect for me, but I really wanna write.
'Cause I don't have any idea about why and how this could happen.
I can't be calm if I don't write.
This is totally unbelievable.
"I definitely respect my sister.
She is my closest partner to share and to talk about anything.
She is my adviser and I believe in her.
She is the one who always encourages me.
"Good luck", "Good job", "You can do it", "Never give up", or some kind of that stuffs are always said by her, to me.
She is the only one, who I know, will always fight to get what she wants.
Can you imagine?
The person who always encourages you, whom you believe will never give up, whom you know has a positive atmosphere, feels like she, herself, has to give up?
This is so... sad. :( "
Where will I find any replacement for that?
How will I get up when I'm down?
Who will support me when I say I can't?
This is bullshit!
Jesus.. I'm begging You. Please, she's a good girl.
Don't let her down just yet.
This is my prayer, Jesus..
Let her get what she wants. I'm begging You.Labels: people
9:55 PM
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
I know you don't really care about what I'm saying.
Every single new message I send will be just another "press and delete" work to you.
Act speaks louder than word, I know.
And I realize that I talk much more than act.
But that's because of your not giving me any chance to act.
So, please give me that chance and I'll show you that I officially love you.
xxx..Labels: about her
11:39 PM
Monday, February 23, 2009
Do we really need our own doraemon (you can call it as a genie, or a well of wishes, or whatever you like. You know, it's like something that could grant us every single wish we ask) in our life?
Why or why not?
Send me your answer by CLICKING HERE, and I'll write your opinion below.
1. Elisabeth - wow, it's a great temptation to have my own doraemon. But i choose no, because if everybody got their own doraemon or genie or something, then people will become get used to "want and ask" not "want and do the best" anymore.
2. Kevin - nah, why? we have our own problems but we have to face the problem not crying over the problem.
3. Stephanie - i really wish i have my own doraemon. but , i think if we had it , we would be lazy like nobita.LOL. we must try everything ourselves , right ?
7.Labels: voting
8:17 PM
This week's quote..
"Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad."Labels: quote
8:05 PM
You guys should have known about what "butterfly effect" actually means.
Yeah, Changing means everything, that's the point.
When you try to change a little thing, or do something differently, you're actually doing some big changes.
How could that be?
Well, the simplest way to describe this effect is like this:
You see, as you're at the equator and you go straight ahead the line, you're actually traveling through that line, and you'll travel back to the place where you begin, and you're actually not going anywhere.
But when you take 1 degree to left or to right from the very first place, you could now go far away from the equator line.
Remember.. just 1 degree, and it could have changed the way you travel.
(In this case, you'll travel back to the place where you begin too, for the earth is round.
This effect is valid only on the flat surface with no limitation of its size.)
And I'd like to say "Yes, you're changing your world right now, right here."
Be ready for changes.
Inspired by: Kevin's post
Credit: Butterfly EffectLabels: things
7:21 PM
Saturday, February 21, 2009
This song brings back memory, so I'd like to share it with you all.
Your Guardian Angel - The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
Your Guardian Angel [Acoustic] - The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
When I see your smile
tears roll down my face.
I can't replace.
And now that I'm strong I have figured out
how this world turns cold and it breaks through my soul,
and I know I'll find deep inside me, I can be the one.
I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all,
even if saving you sends me to heaven.
It's ok...
It's ok...
It's ok...
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing
and stars are falling all for us
days grow longer and nights grow shorter
I can show you I'll be the one.
I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever.
I'll be there for you through it all,
even if saving you sends me to heaven.
Cause you're my
you're my, my,
my true love,
my whole heart,
please don't throw that away.
Cause I'm here, for you
please don't walk away and
please tell me you'll stay, stay..
Use me as you will
pull my strings just for a thrill
and I know I'll be okay
though my skies are turning gray.
I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
even if saving you sends me to heaven.
I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
even if saving you sends me to heaven.Labels: Music
12:01 PM
Faking My Own Suicide (Acoustic) - Relient K
So, I've made up my mind
I will pretend to leave this world behind
And in the end, you'll know I've lied
To get your attention
I'm faking my own suicide
I'm faking my own suicide
Because I know you love me
You just haven't realized
I'm faking my own suicide
They'll hold a double funeral
Because a part of you will die
Along with me
I wish you thought that I was dead
So rather than me, you'd be depressed instead
And before arriving at my grave
You'd come to the conclusion
You'd loved me all your days
But it's too late
Too late for you to say
Because I'm faking my own suicide
Because I know you love me
You just haven't realized
I'm faking my own suicide
They'll hold a double funeral
Because a part of you will die
Along with me
I'll write you a letter that you'll keep
Reminding you your love for me is more than six feet deep
You say aloud that you would have been my wife
Right about that time is when I come back to life
And let you know
I'd let you know that all along I was...
I was faking my own suicide
Because I know you loved me
You just never realized
I was faking my own suicide
I'll walk in that room and see your eyes opened so wide
Opened so wide
Because you know
Because you know you will never leave my side
Until the day that I die for the first time
And we'll laugh, yeah we'll laugh
And we will cry
So overjoyed with our love that's so alive
Our love is so aliveLabels: Music
11:40 AM
I wish you two Rest In Peace..
Well, I don't know you and you definitely don't know me.
But you are my friends' friends, so I'd like to give you my deepest sympathy.
Besides, we're the same, we're human being.
I can feel what you felt, scared of death.
May Jesus Christ always be with you.
To their parents, I can't talk much..
I'm sorry about them.
May God bless you.Labels: people
11:27 AM
Friday, February 20, 2009
There's too many fake and nonsense reasons going around.
I'm kinda hate that kind of stuff.
You're so chicken when you tell lies.
You said you told jokes, when you actually meant it.
You're pretending to be good, but what I could see in your eyes was only hatred.
And the worst thing is, you're PROUD of it??
What I'm begging is only your being honest.
You needn't tell me, you're obviously lying.
You're not good in lying.
Wake up, dude!
Can't you learn?
You be honest!
Even bad men need honest and believable men to look after their money.
Still, can't you learn?!Labels: people, things
10:53 PM
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Why can't I upload photos to blog from my mobile phone?
Someone should upgrade this stuff.
It's time for me to take my eyes off the ground, see the world, leave everything behind, learn from mistakes, move forward, and do everything better!
No need to be sorry for anything.
Everything is gift.
Gift from Jesus changes how people act and react to something.
If it's so, I should probably thanks for what I've got.
I've ever heard this quote.
"If sadness gives pleasure, I'll be on it everytime, yet it doesn't. So why must we waste our time thinking of how to be sad?"
I'm so inspired with that quote.
Life can't wait, huh?
Thanks to y'all.Labels: the day, things
4:00 PM
Today's class is full of LOL.
And it totally drives me crazy!
At least, with today's class, I could leave my sadness far behind.
Thanks to you, friends.
I appreciate that a lot.
Christopher, the blackest man in class.
Bunga, the easiest girl to tickle.
Stefhanie, my tablemate who used to write my notebook for me.
Cynthia, the craziest lady(halah..) I've ever known.
Indi, the "sok tau"est person and the "memang tau"est person in the neighborhood.
Timothy, the most obsessed person to be a magician.
(Sukakmu! Sukakmu!)(JOUP)(CROT). Lol.
Theo, our afgan with his double triple oktaf voice over women's normal voice.
~Hey..! Cynthia is JOUP-ing
Oh yeah..
FYI the hottest thing in class now is magic card tricks.
The class is now crazy about it!
Just in few days, this class produces many many new magicians.
I also learn much!
Here is what happens in class.
We sing along like crazy and I almost die because of it!
They are all insane!
Well, don't feel offended, okay? :)
This is the song.
"stay close, don't go"
The climax is when we reach "if you leave me tonight, I'll wake up alooooooooone~"
*jereng jeng jreng*
We then scream out loud!!
I do scream with 1-2 oktaf over normal and it sounds so weird!
The others scream with antusiasm over limit.
There's teacher here and she's supposed to see us.
Timothy and Theo are playing cards now.
I think this class is getting worse day by day. :DD
I enjoy this day so much.
2 days to go 'till our exam, but we still act that crazy.
I'd like to do some card tricks now.
Who is easy-cheated?
Got to go.
I'm going to continue my LOL with them.
Ciao..Labels: ???, people, the day
11:39 AM
Monday, February 16, 2009
Luck didn't take place at all, huh?
I heard so many 'good luck' phrases, here and there.
None of them worked, I think.
And my efforts didn't reach either a single piece of her heart.
How shameful I am!
You can't even cry when you want!
You're that weak, aren't you?
I don't know how to describe my feeling now.
I feel so sad, yet relieve with what I've got from her.
I just can't breathe normally right now.
Are we better off this way?
Do friends really enough?
I'm alive.. yeah.. I'm sure I'm alive.
But I think I've lost the sense of living.
Need I learn to hate you?
I don't know what to do now.
"Love is Largely an Art of Persistence."
Here is my favorite quote.
The quote which always strengthens me.
I think I won't give up that easy.
Can I hold up with that?
I'm really pleased to meet her.
Thanks God for uniting me with her.
I won't regret..Labels: about her
9:24 PM
Friday, February 6, 2009
Well, I'm sitting in the winfield bus while writing this post.
It's kinda boring for me to just sit and do nothing.
I post then.
I think I'll truly post regularly right away since I could have connected to the internet via mobile phone.
Oh yeah, I'd installed eBuddy into my mobile phone.
I can now chat with the others even I'm not in front of PC.
"Perubahan itu perlu."
Quote from Surya Slim.
Lol.. =)
Another thing I've done so far is that I've finished Cindy's project without me burning it!
Good job Garry. =DD
Everything runs smoothly, don't they?
Well. Well. Well.
I think that's enough for now.
My bus has arrived and I gotta to study for better english. =P
Ciao..Labels: the day
7:58 AM
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
I get something new today.
At last, I know that IM3 doesn't need any registration for the GPRS to connect to the internet.
At last, I can connect to the internet via mobile phone.
At last, I write and update my blog with my N5220.
Lol. =DD
Oh please..
I know I'm so not up-to-date.
You are, or maybe we are in a modern world.
But just let me feel fun with it, okay?
I seldom get something new. =)
It's hard actually, and really takes a long time to post a post.
Well, the keypad is damn small and the tabs are absolutely less than the tabs in a PC's keyboard.
The features are incomplete, so on and so on.
And one thing I know for sure.
Isn't it too few?
I could tell the world about the things which are happening around the world now.
It's not enough, I think.
Well, it means that I have to end this post.
Here it ends.
Ciao..Labels: things
7:25 PM
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Today's the second day of my holiday and still, nothing to do.
i slept, woke up, was dazed for a while, looked around, felt like going to shower, brushed my teeth, sat on my bed, slept again, woke up again, was dazed again, walked to my PC, connected to the internet, played games, disconnected, did my wardrobe, took my bag, waited for the Winfield bus, went to Winfield, and there I was..
Simple day from the simplest man in this house.
Well, there's only me in my house now.
I feel kinda weird here.
Yeah, I'm left here and asked to take care of the house.
That bored me a lot so I write.
Today's Winfield's lesson interested me.
It's grammar, my favorite lesson. :)
"Both...and, Not only...but also, Neither...nor, Either...or, Whether...or." bla..bla..bla..
I swear, today's class was killing me!
I just LOL around like crazy because of some stuffs me and my friends did there.
It's fun, yet boring.
Okay, my life is absolutely boring, I know. Here and there, this and that, everyday is just the same as the other passed days.
Well, hello!
That's not my fault.
Nobody sends me any surprises.
I need one actually. :)
For those who read this blog, you know what to do.
lol.. :DD
After class, I was walking out when I saw some of my friends were laughing while looking at me.
i wonder what was it?
Did I wear my T-shirt upside down?
Was there something in my face?
Did my un*****ar pop out? :D
IDC.. :)
As soon as I arrived home, my dad asked me whether I wanted to go to have our dinner at Sushi-Tei or not.
Kind of opportunity, huh?
Of course I accepted that..
I think I found out that my friend(not actually close-like friend) was there too after checking her blog just now.
I couldn't find her there.
Well, never mind that.
Ohh yeah, I had influenza!
Wow, this is so killing me!
I think Kevin did it.
I went to his house last night and he was having influenza too.
Damn you Kevin..
lol.. :D
Just kidding.
Ahhh, I can't breathe..
I think I'll just sleep.
That's for today.
I'm wondering about what DRAMA QUEEN actually means.
I still can't find the answer.
Could someone tell me about that?
I'm curious. :D
Thanks..Labels: ???, the day
11:51 PM
Monday, February 2, 2009
I'm updating this blog!
It's amazing.
At last, I can update regularly.
Today's holiday.
There's Try Out for UN at school for the 3rd grade students so we're given 3 days of holiday.
Kinda boring actually, for I have nothing to do while the day.
You see, my days are so boring.
Updates don't seem necessary, huh?
Today's just like bla..bla..bla.. and bla..
Valentine's approaching, exam's approaching.
It's confusing me.
I can't focus to either one of them.
Valentine day is important for me(well, at least this is the first time I could be so serious in doing something and feel happy with it), but I can't just leave my exam too.
Really, I need my Guardian Angel...
I'm boring!
I think I will just write a poem for today.
Guardian Angel
By: Garry the Weirdo :DD
My Guardian Angel
Help me
Thank you
The end
Okay. it's done. :)
Ciao..Labels: the day
11:15 PM
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Well, though she has said that she gives up to fight something, she seems so calm and elegant, just like usual.
I won't stop respecting her! :)
She still shows her smile.
She still shows her pretty face, but I know, there's a face in despair behind that.
She asked me to cheer up.
How strong she is.
Okay. cheer!
We had our dinner at Cambridge.
It's my first time and I took some photos there.
Here goes.

Labels: the day, things
10:45 PM
I don't know whether it's necessary or not, but I would like to write about this stuff.
Actually, I don't really like to talk about it, for this will truly make me down, and this is so not good for my soul. :(
As "the secret" has stated that positive thinking brings good things, so on and so on.
And I think this will really bring bad effect for me, but I really wanna write.
'Cause I don't have any idea about why and how this could happen.
I can't be calm if I don't write.
This is totally unbelievable.
"I definitely respect my sister.
She is my closest partner to share and to talk about anything.
She is my adviser and I believe in her.
She is the one who always encourages me.
"Good luck", "Good job", "You can do it", "Never give up", or some kind of that stuffs are always said by her, to me.
She is the only one, who I know, will always fight to get what she wants.
Can you imagine?
The person who always encourages you, whom you believe will never give up, whom you know has a positive atmosphere, feels like she, herself, has to give up?
This is so... sad. :( "
Where will I find any replacement for that?
How will I get up when I'm down?
Who will support me when I say I can't?
This is bullshit!
Jesus.. I'm begging You. Please, she's a good girl.
Don't let her down just yet.
This is my prayer, Jesus..
Let her get what she wants. I'm begging You.Labels: people
9:55 PM