not knowing where to go or who to find, he ended up writing this journal.
he has the life of an ordinary person, yet the way of thinking of a melancholia.
he just doesn't know how to find that four-letter thing.
P. S. the navigator buttons are the colored bookmarks.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
I'd like to give my special thanks to:
Jesus in Heaven, who knows what is the best for me. who provides me with things I've never thought about.
My sister, who is my adviser. who gives me solution in most of my problems. who knows how to be a good guy for everyone.
My father, who knows when I need help. who thinks I'm special even when I know I'm not.
My mom, who wants me to be a real man in this world. who teaches me everything. who sacrifies everything to make me a good person.
Cassandra Etania and Gracia Pricillia, who are always with me. who share laughter and tears. who support and encourage me. you both are super!
Cindy Tantarica, who is always here for me, when I'm sad, when I'm happy. who always helps me, cheers me up, listens to my joy and sorrow.
Jesicapri Gani, who is know. LOL. though she always asks for my advices, but I'm happy that she motivates me when I'm down. who shows her care for me.
Fenny Chandra, who teaches me this and that, how to be a good guy for girl, how to be a man.
Jeff Christopher Gultom, who at the very first place teaches me about girls, how they think, how they decide and how they act. who at the very first place teaches me how to be optimist.
Jodhi Leonata Pratama, thanks for your help. Though it's canceled, but I'm happy that you offer that help.
Kevin Chandra, who can give me positive atmosphere, every time, everywhere.
Kenny Lukman and Jeffry Azwindy, who can see my potential in graphic and always encourage me though I say I can't. thanks!
Jennifer, who always gives me compliment so that I can be self-confident.
Denissa Lani Hady, who is my source of information. LOL. who helps and supports me know. :D
Vanda Dwitami, who shares stories with me. who indirectly gives me lessons about everything.
William Tandra, you will not know what you've done to me. but I get a very important lesson from you, indirectly.
Sean, who treats me like a special person.
Vivi Rihanty, who lets me know what love feels like. who knows how to be loved and cared. who fills my day with smiles and laughter.
Everybody who isn't mention, thank you for your helps, your cares, I appreciate that.
Everybody who loves me, thanks for your loves. It can't be replaceable!
Everybody who hates me, thanks. Because of your hatreds, I learn lots of things.Labels: people
1:09 PM
Friday, January 30, 2009
Well, I've lost one of the most important thing to run my plan.
Will there be any replacement?Labels: things
11:19 PM
I woke up at 10 A.M just now and I'm thinking to check my blog out, again.
It seems like nothing's changed since my last update.
I don't know why, but I start to feel that this blog has no fun anymore.
Not as it used to be.
Well, maybe it's because her existence isn't around here.
But I may not be that stupid.
I can't stop just because of that simple thing.
I think I'll try to write again, like usual.
She's going abroad, again.
Wew.. :-/
It means no contact at all during her trip.
I'm bored..
By the way, today should be our(me and my classmates) departure of the retreat.
I think they've gone by now.
Yeah, I don't join them.
I've paid for it though.
I'm too lazy!
I don't feel like I have enough spirit to join that kind of stuff.
Life seems to be more pathetic after year, huh?
Oh yeah!
Valentine's approaching.
It's the only event that makes me feel happy, scared, nervous, bla..bla..bla..
Whatever it is, I'm happy for that!
I'd tried the projects Cindy Tantarica gave me but they didn't work at all.
I burnt them!
Always, whenever I tried, how careful I was, I always burnt it.
I think I'm gonna stop by now.
I really have no idea how that could happen.
For love's sake, I'll try it later on.
Wish me luck..
I think that's all for today.
Or maybe for this week.
I'll try to update tomorrow.
Ciao..Labels: the day, things
10:15 AM
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Sorry for not updating for a long long time.
I really didn't have time to touch my darling (PC).
Although I had enough time, I really couldn't think what to write.
I could spend all day of thinking and staring at my PC, like a gaga. :)
Yeah, I just didn't experience something really special or something.
My day passed like usual; that's so not gonna be interesting to be talked about.
That would be the shortest film ever, took about 15 minutes which was replayed continuously.
lol.. :D
This is me, the real me. (taken from my l..e.lette. :D)
I think today I will just write something I call as blessings from God. :))
Who says God's blessings don't exist?
Well, 'cause I've experienced them.
This is super duper cool!
As I don't have money, He gives me.
As I don't have transportation, He prepares it for me.
As I don't have media, He supplies me.
And it's all on time!
You might think what those things for, but I'm not telling you now.
It's not the time. :D
Just 1 thing for sure, all of them are for 1 thing.
The thing I've asked from God for a long time, for Him to grant.
And I just have to set my faith 100% to Him, then those things come by themselves.
God is truly kind, huh?
You just need faith(thought), patience and persistence(attitude), work hard(action), and I promise you, you'll be there.
I think that's all.
I will talk much when that time has come. :DDLabels: Jesus, the day, things
10:00 PM
Monday, January 12, 2009
Well, here I am, again.
At last, I get a chance to be on line and update my blog.
My last update was at January 7th, wasn't it?
It's been 5 days since then.
Let's see.
How will I start?
Oh yeah!
She's back..
lol.. :D
I don't care whether you care of it or not. :)
But that's a good new for me.
Umm, I think I won't tell you guys about these 5 passed days.
'Cause honestly, I've forgot about it too.
Then, how did today begin?
Here it is.
"This morning was the most goddamn morning I've ever had.
I was super sleepy and tired..
Well, I phoned her last night until 2(I'm happy for this, actually. :DD) and slept around 3 in the morning.
I woke up at 6 to 7 with my eyes red, so red!
And my body did't seem to be fit like usual.
Yea.. Forget about that.
Today is our school's Christmas celebration.
The weirdest thing I've ever known.. it's when a school celebrates Christmas at January 12th whereas we all know that Christmas is at December 25th!
Well, it's a New Year celebration too.
But the best thing of this was that I could just wear some clothes but uniform.
I wore black shirt with blue straight lines, with a formal black tie draped round my neck, black jeans and simple CATS shoes.
I borrowed my friend's cowboy hat(lol..) and people kept calling me as a "Artis Taiwan", "Artis Korea", "Artis ~ASE~".
wew.wew.wew. :DD
Here is some of the photos.
I edited it 'cause I think it's not too nice.

There's nothing special during the event.
Boring.. :-/
Btw, I got love advice from Laurence.
She told to do so, not to do so.
so on and so on. :)
Thanks to her.
There's another special thing I've done actually, but I won't share it here now 'cause it's a surprise.
I just don't want him/her to know.
But I'll tell you as I've done with it.
I think that's all for today.
I'll try to update more often though.
Ciao..Labels: about me, Christmas, Jesus, new year, the day, things
11:57 PM
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
I'm not going to update this blog at this moment.
Yeah.. you know, busy like usual. :DD
Besides, my internet connection has reached the limit.
So fast, huh?
I've been too relax this day.
However, I have some works to do, so see ya' then.
Wish me luck and I'll wish you too. :)
I'll tell you everything as soon as I come back!Labels: about me
9:00 PM
Monday, January 5, 2009
I think she's not going home just yet.
I glimpsed her friendster profile and noticed some updates there.
During her holiday, she was at her momma's hometown.
And there's no internet line in their house.
So she's not on line during the holiday.
However, I saw changes, so I thought she's gone home.
I was surprised, else happy.
I miss her that much.
So, I immediately text her, asked whether she's gone home or not.
But then I found out that she's still there.
Who updated her profile then?
I thought she's lying, so I asked her friend to confirm.
She said the same.
I knew it at last that she updated it at internet cafe.
I think she's really not going home yet, huh?
I truly really miss her.Labels: about her
6:38 PM
Sunday, January 4, 2009
This morning, I met Cindy at TABONA.
What a coincidence. :)
I'd just asked her where to go after church via SMS when I suddenly saw her at the same place where I was going.
Nothing special happened during the day.
I went to work like usual. :DD
When I was going home, I received a SMS from Cindy, it's written about "The Secret".
I was surprised actually, for she'd ever said to me that "The Secret" seemed to be a boring book/video.
But then, she's interested with it.
Maybe that's the power of "The Secret".
As I always thought about her reading that book or watching the video, that surprisingly happened.
Do you know about "The Secret"?
You should read it for sure.. :)Labels: the day, things
11:18 PM
I had just had my hair cut!
No more "poni-M".
Yeah.. school day is approaching.
That's why I have to have my hair cut, but it's too short for me!
I don't have any photos of it, 'cause I'm too shy to show it to you all.
lol.. :D
The real thing is, it's so gay!
I don't know why, but I think it's like girls' hairstyle.
My father agreed with it too.
When I showed him this hairstyle, he was like "Hey, that's girls' hairstyle, isn't it? My girl-friends liked to have that hair."
is it? is it? IS IT?!
Please don't laugh when you see me, okay? :)Labels: about me
10:31 PM
Friday, January 2, 2009
I was searching some photos to be uploaded into my blog, but then I found out there's an untouched photo which I don't really remember about among them.
I'll just upload it.
' ~For Her~ ', huh?Labels: ???
9:11 PM
Thursday, January 1, 2009
You and I have watched TWILIGHT, but I've taken a conclusion for myself.
As you girls love Edward Cullen, I, as a guy, prefer Alice Cullen!

Labels: ???
11:15 PM
Happy New Year, GUYS!
May this year be our first changing step to life.
Sorry for the late greeting anyway.
Yeah.. I've been so busy lately that I couldn't even touch a single tab of my keyboard. :DD
This blog hasn't been update since December 27th 2008, so I'd like to flash back a bit.
I may not tell all the things I've been through these days.
I will just tell what I remember.
By the way, I've just found a blog you have to take a visit to.
Here is the link: Elisabeth
It's December 30th, if I'm not mistaken..
11 A.M, my friends and I were all in Sun Plaza to see which movie was available.
This was really embarrassing, I guess.
"We were heading 21 and after a long complicated bloodstained negotiation(halah..) which took about 10 seconds, we decided to watch IP MAN (read:ai pi men).
For people who know or even have watched it, please DO NOT LAUGH.
I swear I DIDN'T KNOW that movie.
At first, we thought that IP MAN (read:ai pi men) was a usual western movie with superhero in it or maybe with an extraordinary man who will fight the evil.
Once again, for the people who know it, please DO NOT LAUGH.
We're that innocent, huh? :/
So.. we're okay with it, I was okay with it.
We watched the movie at 12.
We had the A seats.
We got into the cinema earlier, when it's still bright.
We waited until all of the lights were switched off.
It's me, I didn't know how they felt, but this is what I felt.
There's "IP MAN" (read:ai pi men) written in the screen, indicated the movie has started.
After title, I guessed I would see "starring" written there next.
I waited but...
What showed up was MANDARIN!!
I was like "What the hell is that?! Mandarin?? Are they kidding me?!"
All were written in Mandarin!
I guess IP MAN (read:.....; How the hell do you read it in Mandarin?!) was no longer a superhero, huh?
Or maybe there's brand new superhero in China?
This was really embarrassing, for I said AI PI MEN out loud to the "kakak kasir" when we're buying the tickets.
Now I know why the "kakak kasir" smile at me.
Here are some pictures after movie.
It's so dark in here. where was I?
All blur.
Ohh yeah, Cindy Tantarica gave me a greeting card.
Thank you.. =))
At night, I learned driving with my mom, sis, and unca in Cemara Asri.
I hate "SATPAM" so much!
I was traumatic with them.
lol.. :DD
I don't know why but the car's engine was always off when I wanna pass the post with them in it.
wew. wew. wew.
Yesterday, December 31st 2008, New Year Eve.
I had BBQ with my friends! :DD
There's 7 of us.
We started our BBQ around 12 at midnight because the tools to roast were with me and my sister.
And of course they couldn't start without us.
Sorry to make you all had to wait.
We left our home at 9.30 P.M but we arrived at our friend's house at 11.30 P.M!
It's really crowded out there when New Year Eve.
I could have gone to Brastagi!
2 hours!
I bet that they all were so hungry. :)
Because they're so brutal when they're trying to make fire used to roast.
lol.. :DD
So, we ate, played UNO, played card, and watched movie.
Most of us were girls, so you would have known what movie they watched.
Yeah, it's TWILIGHT.
Again and again. :|
(No offense to you, girls. :))
I slept at 5.30 A.M and woke up at 9.30 A.M and I swear I'm so sleepy now!
Gonna sleep soon.Labels: new year, the day
9:12 PM
Saturday, January 31, 2009
I'd like to give my special thanks to:
Jesus in Heaven, who knows what is the best for me. who provides me with things I've never thought about.
My sister, who is my adviser. who gives me solution in most of my problems. who knows how to be a good guy for everyone.
My father, who knows when I need help. who thinks I'm special even when I know I'm not.
My mom, who wants me to be a real man in this world. who teaches me everything. who sacrifies everything to make me a good person.
Cassandra Etania and Gracia Pricillia, who are always with me. who share laughter and tears. who support and encourage me. you both are super!
Cindy Tantarica, who is always here for me, when I'm sad, when I'm happy. who always helps me, cheers me up, listens to my joy and sorrow.
Jesicapri Gani, who is know. LOL. though she always asks for my advices, but I'm happy that she motivates me when I'm down. who shows her care for me.
Fenny Chandra, who teaches me this and that, how to be a good guy for girl, how to be a man.
Jeff Christopher Gultom, who at the very first place teaches me about girls, how they think, how they decide and how they act. who at the very first place teaches me how to be optimist.
Jodhi Leonata Pratama, thanks for your help. Though it's canceled, but I'm happy that you offer that help.
Kevin Chandra, who can give me positive atmosphere, every time, everywhere.
Kenny Lukman and Jeffry Azwindy, who can see my potential in graphic and always encourage me though I say I can't. thanks!
Jennifer, who always gives me compliment so that I can be self-confident.
Denissa Lani Hady, who is my source of information. LOL. who helps and supports me know. :D
Vanda Dwitami, who shares stories with me. who indirectly gives me lessons about everything.
William Tandra, you will not know what you've done to me. but I get a very important lesson from you, indirectly.
Sean, who treats me like a special person.
Vivi Rihanty, who lets me know what love feels like. who knows how to be loved and cared. who fills my day with smiles and laughter.
Everybody who isn't mention, thank you for your helps, your cares, I appreciate that.
Everybody who loves me, thanks for your loves. It can't be replaceable!
Everybody who hates me, thanks. Because of your hatreds, I learn lots of things.Labels: people
1:09 PM
Friday, January 30, 2009
Well, I've lost one of the most important thing to run my plan.
Will there be any replacement?Labels: things
11:19 PM
I woke up at 10 A.M just now and I'm thinking to check my blog out, again.
It seems like nothing's changed since my last update.
I don't know why, but I start to feel that this blog has no fun anymore.
Not as it used to be.
Well, maybe it's because her existence isn't around here.
But I may not be that stupid.
I can't stop just because of that simple thing.
I think I'll try to write again, like usual.
She's going abroad, again.
Wew.. :-/
It means no contact at all during her trip.
I'm bored..
By the way, today should be our(me and my classmates) departure of the retreat.
I think they've gone by now.
Yeah, I don't join them.
I've paid for it though.
I'm too lazy!
I don't feel like I have enough spirit to join that kind of stuff.
Life seems to be more pathetic after year, huh?
Oh yeah!
Valentine's approaching.
It's the only event that makes me feel happy, scared, nervous, bla..bla..bla..
Whatever it is, I'm happy for that!
I'd tried the projects Cindy Tantarica gave me but they didn't work at all.
I burnt them!
Always, whenever I tried, how careful I was, I always burnt it.
I think I'm gonna stop by now.
I really have no idea how that could happen.
For love's sake, I'll try it later on.
Wish me luck..
I think that's all for today.
Or maybe for this week.
I'll try to update tomorrow.
Ciao..Labels: the day, things
10:15 AM
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Sorry for not updating for a long long time.
I really didn't have time to touch my darling (PC).
Although I had enough time, I really couldn't think what to write.
I could spend all day of thinking and staring at my PC, like a gaga. :)
Yeah, I just didn't experience something really special or something.
My day passed like usual; that's so not gonna be interesting to be talked about.
That would be the shortest film ever, took about 15 minutes which was replayed continuously.
lol.. :D
This is me, the real me. (taken from my l..e.lette. :D)
I think today I will just write something I call as blessings from God. :))
Who says God's blessings don't exist?
Well, 'cause I've experienced them.
This is super duper cool!
As I don't have money, He gives me.
As I don't have transportation, He prepares it for me.
As I don't have media, He supplies me.
And it's all on time!
You might think what those things for, but I'm not telling you now.
It's not the time. :D
Just 1 thing for sure, all of them are for 1 thing.
The thing I've asked from God for a long time, for Him to grant.
And I just have to set my faith 100% to Him, then those things come by themselves.
God is truly kind, huh?
You just need faith(thought), patience and persistence(attitude), work hard(action), and I promise you, you'll be there.
I think that's all.
I will talk much when that time has come. :DDLabels: Jesus, the day, things
10:00 PM
Monday, January 12, 2009
Well, here I am, again.
At last, I get a chance to be on line and update my blog.
My last update was at January 7th, wasn't it?
It's been 5 days since then.
Let's see.
How will I start?
Oh yeah!
She's back..
lol.. :D
I don't care whether you care of it or not. :)
But that's a good new for me.
Umm, I think I won't tell you guys about these 5 passed days.
'Cause honestly, I've forgot about it too.
Then, how did today begin?
Here it is.
"This morning was the most goddamn morning I've ever had.
I was super sleepy and tired..
Well, I phoned her last night until 2(I'm happy for this, actually. :DD) and slept around 3 in the morning.
I woke up at 6 to 7 with my eyes red, so red!
And my body did't seem to be fit like usual.
Yea.. Forget about that.
Today is our school's Christmas celebration.
The weirdest thing I've ever known.. it's when a school celebrates Christmas at January 12th whereas we all know that Christmas is at December 25th!
Well, it's a New Year celebration too.
But the best thing of this was that I could just wear some clothes but uniform.
I wore black shirt with blue straight lines, with a formal black tie draped round my neck, black jeans and simple CATS shoes.
I borrowed my friend's cowboy hat(lol..) and people kept calling me as a "Artis Taiwan", "Artis Korea", "Artis ~ASE~".
wew.wew.wew. :DD
Here is some of the photos.
I edited it 'cause I think it's not too nice.

There's nothing special during the event.
Boring.. :-/
Btw, I got love advice from Laurence.
She told to do so, not to do so.
so on and so on. :)
Thanks to her.
There's another special thing I've done actually, but I won't share it here now 'cause it's a surprise.
I just don't want him/her to know.
But I'll tell you as I've done with it.
I think that's all for today.
I'll try to update more often though.
Ciao..Labels: about me, Christmas, Jesus, new year, the day, things
11:57 PM
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
I'm not going to update this blog at this moment.
Yeah.. you know, busy like usual. :DD
Besides, my internet connection has reached the limit.
So fast, huh?
I've been too relax this day.
However, I have some works to do, so see ya' then.
Wish me luck and I'll wish you too. :)
I'll tell you everything as soon as I come back!Labels: about me
9:00 PM
Monday, January 5, 2009
I think she's not going home just yet.
I glimpsed her friendster profile and noticed some updates there.
During her holiday, she was at her momma's hometown.
And there's no internet line in their house.
So she's not on line during the holiday.
However, I saw changes, so I thought she's gone home.
I was surprised, else happy.
I miss her that much.
So, I immediately text her, asked whether she's gone home or not.
But then I found out that she's still there.
Who updated her profile then?
I thought she's lying, so I asked her friend to confirm.
She said the same.
I knew it at last that she updated it at internet cafe.
I think she's really not going home yet, huh?
I truly really miss her.Labels: about her
6:38 PM
Sunday, January 4, 2009
This morning, I met Cindy at TABONA.
What a coincidence. :)
I'd just asked her where to go after church via SMS when I suddenly saw her at the same place where I was going.
Nothing special happened during the day.
I went to work like usual. :DD
When I was going home, I received a SMS from Cindy, it's written about "The Secret".
I was surprised actually, for she'd ever said to me that "The Secret" seemed to be a boring book/video.
But then, she's interested with it.
Maybe that's the power of "The Secret".
As I always thought about her reading that book or watching the video, that surprisingly happened.
Do you know about "The Secret"?
You should read it for sure.. :)Labels: the day, things
11:18 PM
I had just had my hair cut!
No more "poni-M".
Yeah.. school day is approaching.
That's why I have to have my hair cut, but it's too short for me!
I don't have any photos of it, 'cause I'm too shy to show it to you all.
lol.. :D
The real thing is, it's so gay!
I don't know why, but I think it's like girls' hairstyle.
My father agreed with it too.
When I showed him this hairstyle, he was like "Hey, that's girls' hairstyle, isn't it? My girl-friends liked to have that hair."
is it? is it? IS IT?!
Please don't laugh when you see me, okay? :)Labels: about me
10:31 PM
Friday, January 2, 2009
I was searching some photos to be uploaded into my blog, but then I found out there's an untouched photo which I don't really remember about among them.
I'll just upload it.
' ~For Her~ ', huh?Labels: ???
9:11 PM
Thursday, January 1, 2009
You and I have watched TWILIGHT, but I've taken a conclusion for myself.
As you girls love Edward Cullen, I, as a guy, prefer Alice Cullen!

Labels: ???
11:15 PM
Happy New Year, GUYS!
May this year be our first changing step to life.
Sorry for the late greeting anyway.
Yeah.. I've been so busy lately that I couldn't even touch a single tab of my keyboard. :DD
This blog hasn't been update since December 27th 2008, so I'd like to flash back a bit.
I may not tell all the things I've been through these days.
I will just tell what I remember.
By the way, I've just found a blog you have to take a visit to.
Here is the link: Elisabeth
It's December 30th, if I'm not mistaken..
11 A.M, my friends and I were all in Sun Plaza to see which movie was available.
This was really embarrassing, I guess.
"We were heading 21 and after a long complicated bloodstained negotiation(halah..) which took about 10 seconds, we decided to watch IP MAN (read:ai pi men).
For people who know or even have watched it, please DO NOT LAUGH.
I swear I DIDN'T KNOW that movie.
At first, we thought that IP MAN (read:ai pi men) was a usual western movie with superhero in it or maybe with an extraordinary man who will fight the evil.
Once again, for the people who know it, please DO NOT LAUGH.
We're that innocent, huh? :/
So.. we're okay with it, I was okay with it.
We watched the movie at 12.
We had the A seats.
We got into the cinema earlier, when it's still bright.
We waited until all of the lights were switched off.
It's me, I didn't know how they felt, but this is what I felt.
There's "IP MAN" (read:ai pi men) written in the screen, indicated the movie has started.
After title, I guessed I would see "starring" written there next.
I waited but...
What showed up was MANDARIN!!
I was like "What the hell is that?! Mandarin?? Are they kidding me?!"
All were written in Mandarin!
I guess IP MAN (read:.....; How the hell do you read it in Mandarin?!) was no longer a superhero, huh?
Or maybe there's brand new superhero in China?
This was really embarrassing, for I said AI PI MEN out loud to the "kakak kasir" when we're buying the tickets.
Now I know why the "kakak kasir" smile at me.
Here are some pictures after movie.
It's so dark in here. where was I?
All blur.
Ohh yeah, Cindy Tantarica gave me a greeting card.
Thank you.. =))
At night, I learned driving with my mom, sis, and unca in Cemara Asri.
I hate "SATPAM" so much!
I was traumatic with them.
lol.. :DD
I don't know why but the car's engine was always off when I wanna pass the post with them in it.
wew. wew. wew.
Yesterday, December 31st 2008, New Year Eve.
I had BBQ with my friends! :DD
There's 7 of us.
We started our BBQ around 12 at midnight because the tools to roast were with me and my sister.
And of course they couldn't start without us.
Sorry to make you all had to wait.
We left our home at 9.30 P.M but we arrived at our friend's house at 11.30 P.M!
It's really crowded out there when New Year Eve.
I could have gone to Brastagi!
2 hours!
I bet that they all were so hungry. :)
Because they're so brutal when they're trying to make fire used to roast.
lol.. :DD
So, we ate, played UNO, played card, and watched movie.
Most of us were girls, so you would have known what movie they watched.
Yeah, it's TWILIGHT.
Again and again. :|
(No offense to you, girls. :))
I slept at 5.30 A.M and woke up at 9.30 A.M and I swear I'm so sleepy now!
Gonna sleep soon.Labels: new year, the day
9:12 PM