not knowing where to go or who to find, he ended up writing this journal.
he has the life of an ordinary person, yet the way of thinking of a melancholia.
he just doesn't know how to find that four-letter thing.
P. S. the navigator buttons are the colored bookmarks.
Monday, December 28, 2009
greetings, everyone..
I write this post when the clock is pointing at 1:11 AM.
well, that means it's midnight now.
28th December 2009 it is; however, I'm writing about the event on 27th December 2009.
So, today..(I guess yesterday will be better since I've passed 1 hour and 11 minutes. lol.) I went to Sun Plaza (again).
wow.. that's new.
yeahh. you wish.
Going to Sun Plaza is never a new thing to do.
you can find Medanese (+ 15 years old) who never go to Sun?
Cut my head off!
I'm kidding, okay?
It sure will be scary to find a thousand people banging at my front door in order to cut my head off after finding someone who never goes to Sun tomorrow.
here is how it was planned.
firstly, Jodhi and I planned to spend the day by going to Cambridge and having lunch there.
Well, in addition, we got Laurence and Dewi joining us too.
Secondly, we would continue our trip to Sun to hang out together and sight-see things.
then last, we would go back to our own lovely home, and everyone would be happy.. forever after.
well.. don't you think that it's kinda cliche?
unfortunately, life isn't that simple, isn't it?
plan never goes smoothly.
so, here is how it happened.
but before, I'd like to introduce everyone who was involved in this event.
Garry : myself. well, need not to put any further information, right? you should have known me, I wish. lol.
Jodhi : the driver. lol. I mean, the one who gave us rides during the event, the coolest guy in this group, ever! he was the one who asked for this hanging-out thing, yet didn't care about it. lol. nice one!
Dewi : how will I describe her? she is totally hard to describe. lol. just find her at her blog, okay?
you can find her blog at LINKS on the right side of the screen below CBOX or click here.
and last..
Laurence : a little girl (totally little, I'm serious. lol.) who I've known since primary school. she's cheerful, nice. she has big sense of humor. my sister. :D
Jodhi and I planned to go to Cambridge along with Dewi and Laurence.
everything seemed quite right until Laurence told us that she couldn't join because she had just had a problem with her father.
the situation then automatically didn't allow her to go.
Dewi who was supposed to be accompanied by Laurence once said that she wouldn't join if Laurence didn't join.
Well, did it mean Jodhi and I would have a GAY date?
that's bloody no!
the problem was then solved when Dewi told me that she's bored staying at home and wanted to go away from that bloody place and decided to join us in spite of Laurence's absence.
The situation became worse when she headed right to Sun Plaza.
well, I've told you, our first destination was Cambridge!
lol.. :D
as gentlemen, would we let Dewi to be alone there?
Of course no! (well, gentlemen don't say "of course no!" as I do. rofl)
we then passed Cambridge and headed right to Sun.
a couple minutes after, Laurence said that she could join (good news), but she had to bring her brother along.
well, no problem..
by the way, I should now introduce you all to a new comer.
Dicky : Laurence's brother. quite talkative, cheerful like his sister, a new comer of the group just so Laurence could join. :)
Dewi arrived at 2, Laurence and her brother arrived at 2.30, we arrived not even earlier. :D
We have the car! (well, it belongs to Jodhi. I mean, we got the car!)
but still we were late.
so, what's the problem?
ever see Sun's parking lot?
you'll know then.
wow, we have arrived at 2, but the searching of the parking place took most of the time.
1 hour of going around the lot was totally boring.
1 hour of waiting for Dewi and half hour for Laurence and her brother was upsetting enough, I know.. since we were the one who made the plan.
okay, let's not talk about that one.
as soon as we arrived there, Jodhi and I had forgot about our lunch.
we headed right to Starbucks and didn't talk about our lunch anymore!
really, we forgot that we hadn't eaten.
I even doubt Jodhi recognized that we didn't have our lunch.
then, 4 hours of lol-ing around, walking around, sight-seeing around, joking around, and so on.
that's what ran smoothly. :)
at 7 P.M, we went back to our own living place and the event was done!
Not really special actually, just like another story at Sun.
But I'm on top mood of EXAGGERATING. lol.
that's why I make this event to sound like a really big event.
end of the post.
ciao..Labels: friends, fun
1:07 AM
Sunday, December 27, 2009
pailakme, tapogina ngapel khi cabogina e chu.Chu bo lang..
Tapo: Beib,Wa ae ho lu khua cekai mikya..
Cabo: hamiklae beib??
Tapo: Emm,esai jib pangkeng o?
Cabo: Esai....
Tapo: Esai so mui o??
Cabo: esai....
Tapo: esai kham thanga o?
Cabo: Esai....
Tapo: Esai kham hue o??
Cabo: Esai...
Tapo: Tongkim, walang jib khi selimut yah..
Cabo: Okhe!(ane huahi)
Tapo: lu cai wa ai ho lu khua hamik bo?
Cabo: Emcai a..hamiklai si?
Tapo: Lai, lu gim w e chiu
Cabo: Trus ai cumik koq leh?
Tapo: lu khua heng, wa e sin chiu pio e tok huei e lho..hahaha
Glow in the dark e lo...
Cabo: Emay kong e lu....!!
Hehe..just for funLabels: fun
12:11 AM
Saturday, December 26, 2009
10:31 PM
Friday, December 25, 2009
I'm alone on this Christmas day, but who says it's bad?
what I did all day was thinking, day dreaming, and everything done with mind..
and at night, as my PC has been fixed, I tried to search back everything it had ever saved since I've never seen what's inside for really really long time.
and because of this circumstance, I found a really cool stuff, a file with Rich Text Format.
I was searching some pictures from folder which I used to save pictures in.
I opened "my computer" icon on the desktop, I saw one of the hard disk drive named "Data (D:)" and I double clicked it.
there was a folder named "my doc", where I saved all my files there.
I slowly pointed my pointer to the folder and I clicked on it.
I was trying to double click it, but did it too slow that I happened to rename the folder.
that was hard since my last contact with the PC. lol. :)
I tried it one more time, and I succeeded.
I needed a second to realize that I'm not used to see the scene of the PC anymore.
then, I moved my pointer to "my picture" folder before I realized that I actually got lots of text files with Ms. Word and Rich Text Format in "my doc" folder.
I then observed each of the files.
I got "another blog" with Rich Text Format, "Ant" with Ms. Word Format, "Graphic1" with CorelDraw Graphic Format, and more.
Most of them were my assignments.
and then I laughed when I saw some files named "kopekan", "kopekan 2", "kopekan 3" and so on. lol.
that's my dirty little secret..
and I couldn't believe that I saved it!
really unbelievable.
I couldn't even stop laughing. :D
I continued my work, and I froze when I found this file.
with "Microsoft Word Document" Format, size "47 KB", it was named by me as "love letter".
If I'm not mistaken, this is what I wrote to her, Vivi Rihanty.
a letter which I gave her on 14th February 2009, a day I could never forget.
if I'm not mistaken...
I double clicked on it, and here is what is written there.
Dear Vivi,
As you open and read this letter, it means that you'll see me being serious again. I know I do lots of jokes, but what I'll tell you here are all serious. Please don't laugh. Yeah, I know, I'm not really expert in writing love letter. =)
Well, I won't talk much here. One thing for sure which you should know, and I'm sure that you've known it too, is that I LOVE YOU. For real, I truly love you. This is me, the real me. I just can't tell you how much I care about you.
I write this poem, presented to a girl who knows how to be loved and cared.
"Do you remember that day?
The day when we first met
When there's no word to say
And silence hadn't passed just yet
When I could have blinded my eyes
Which might see you still
When I could then realize
They could know your will
When I could have tied my tongue
Which should say your beauty
When I could have just sung
About them in every melody
When I could have slammed my ears
Which would hear that voice
When I could just feel fear
To lose it in the crowd's noise
Ah, there you are
You've been so pretty
As I traveled back that far
I now know I'm that lucky
And if I just love you
With other things I never mind
I've committed to ask you
Would you be my valentine?"
Whatever your answer is, I'll accept it. Whatever your answer is, I'll always still be yours.
With love,
P.S. This is my first love letter and I dedicate it to someone who deserves it.
There was time when my tears forced to flow, but I soon held it inside.
these tears wanted to flow not because of the broken heart I once felt, but because of my memories about things I once had.
I miss that time, the time when I spent my precious time thinking about what to write.
I looked for words which I thought might impress her and spent almost 2 hours to write this simple love letter.
I was such a fool, wasn't I?
Yeah, and I feel funny about the love letter.
most of the words are ridiculous!
lol. :D
well, if you think I'm sad, I'm not sad.
perhaps I WAS sad.
but I'm not.
believe me.
Besides, I love someone else now, someone who actually deserves it.
So, why do I have to feel sad about it?
I even smiled when I read over it.
I guess words won't change people's mind, will it?
attitude will.
and what I'm working on is to impress my beloved one with my attitude, not with those silly words anymore.
Problems teach lessons, don't they?
By the way, isn't that "always still be yours" word kinda exaggerating? :PLabels: things
8:20 PM
I do realize that the posts which I published recently have very bad grammar and vocabulary.
well, I wrote those posts not in very good mood.
I still wrote that anyway just so that everything which ever remained in my head could remain forever in this blog.
compared to my brain, it's a sure thing that computer does better job in remembering. :D
so, I really beg your apologize if you don't feel comfortable when reading my blog.
however, my mood is on top today!
well, that does not mean that my grammar and vocabulary will be perfect.
I'm still an ordinary Asian boy with ordinary knowledge of English, lack of it if I may say. :P
So, still in the spirit of Christmas, once again I wish you all love, peace, and joy!
5 days to go before the New Year comes.
And this is what is exciting!
I will have BBQ party with my friends, and I'm sure that that's gonna be extremely fun!
Can't wait!
yeay yeay!!
by the way, my PC has been fixed, totally fixed.
great news, since playing games is now available again. lol.
well, I have a notebook from which I can play games.
I just am not brave enough to take risk to poison my notebook with such damn unimportant stuffs (I play those unimportant stuffs though. :D).
that means we should once again welcome Garry-who-is-always-lazy-in-doing-his-assignment-because-he-has-lots-of-games-to-play. lol.
I really worry about what kind of human I will be in in future.
That lol-ing thing is sure a fake thing.
argh! no time for being desperate!
Jesus will always bless my way, I'm sure.
Just like what is written in Matthew 6 : 34,
34 "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."Labels: about blog, bible, new year, things
6:54 PM
Merry Christmas everyone.
May your life be better, full of love, peace, joy and blessing.
and Happy Birthday Papa Jesus Christ!
This is really exiting!
Your birthday always brings joy and love among us.
thanks. :D
by the way, as this Christmas comes, my blog has been 1 year old.
time runs so fast, eh?
a year of telling stories and problems, with many dilemmas and problem-solving has brought me to this day, a day when I have become maturer in facing problems, more self-confident in having opportunities, open-minded in seeing people's opinion about how to solve problems, etc.
thanks to all of my friends who are taking part in my life.
your kindness remains in my heart, always and forever.
once again i'd like to say : MERRY CHRISTMAS !
enjoy your day.Labels: about blog, Christmas
12:26 AM
Thursday, December 24, 2009
before I forget, I want to tell you that I'll have present-exchanging again this christmas.
just like the previous christmas.
what is different is that i got an additional person who i'll exchange the present with.
that's the "tiger". :D
Hope everyone will like it.Labels: Christmas
1:45 AM
hi everybody.
and hi garry in the future who might be reading this.
how's your life gone?
my life is going fine, if you wish to know.
i start to write this just when the christmas eve is beyond the edge.
*11.57 PM, 23rd December 2009*
3 minutes to go and we'll all have the day before Jesus Christ's birthday.
everyone whose birthday is on 24th December, I wish you happy birthday and good luck.
have your day, friends.
whose birthday is on 25th December, be grateful because of your same birthday with Jesus Christ.
perhaps you'll get more blessing than us who don't have the same birthday with Him.
so, where are you all going this christmas eve?
do you all have plan?
may it run well, then.
wish you all luck and blessing this christmas.
this christmas should be a great day for all of us, especially Christians.
Jesus was born?
that's totally a big deal which we should always remember.
well, it's different with my situation here.
i have no plan for both christmas eve and christmas day.
who will i spend my christmas eve with?
who will i spend my christmas day with?
mother's day was passed horribly, passed without my mom by my side.
i'll have a blue christmas eve and christmas day, without any accompany.
but i should say that i'm lucky, i still have one.
Jesus Christ will accompany me.
that's what is important.
i'll never be alone forever.
thank God, thank Jesus.
I love You very much.
I can wait no longer.
may this christmas be Your attendance for the second time, in my life.
I miss You.
I'm feeling so lonely now.
Please come to me Jesus.
well, actually I want to state my today's story here..I mean, today's problem.
but I guess Jesus has swept away all my problems and worries, since I have no will to talk about the problem anymore.
thanks, Jesus.
well, as my dominant motivation is romance motivation, now I'd like to tell about my lovelife.
(the story below is only dedicated to garry in the future. you may read it, but i'm sure you won't understand it. only garry in the future and I, and God who know what it means. I write this down just so that I can always remember about how my day passes, not purposely share it to others. so I beg your apologize.)
new story and new hope, new life with new joy, new day about new personality.
It's a story about "tiger and panda".
2 animals with personality, different from fact.
tiger is supposed to be fierce, cruel, and cold-blooded.
panda is supposed to be calm, social, yet fierce in its defense.
now, think of the opposites.
and you'll know where it will take you to.
do you feel butterflies in your stomach?
you must be feeling it, I bet.
because, 1 and half year of waiting worth a thousand unimportant days of being curious.
after all, the 9th letter is the panda, and the tiger is the one to word-with-3-meaning.
I hope the day when garry in the future will be reading this is the day when the tiger has become the panda('s).
I really don't want you to be confused.
just get used to it, because some posts of mine might only be reminders for me in the future, not to be read and understood.
garry, I hope you remember..Labels: about her, Christmas
12:25 AM
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Today is my sister's birthday.
happy birthday sis!
may God bless you always.
by the way, 2 days before, her friends and I had just tricked her.
that's so much fun!
she's so innocent for not knowing what we're up to (or perhaps she's too easy to be fooled since she's a really fool! rofl. kidding sis. :D )
so, here are some people who were involved in this trick-making party. :))
Sister Herlina
Brother Salim
Sister Jubot (well, I don't know her real name, since what I heard all day was her nick. sorry sis. :) )
And just FYI, Sister Herlina and Brother Salim has engaged and will soon be married.
congratulation!Labels: people
3:08 PM
Friday, December 4, 2009
I just posted a note to facebook, on which after I take a look or two, I love very much. hehe..
here is the link..
Love is weirdLabels: about her
8:34 PM
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Right now, I'm crazy about my work arts.
well, I've been working on these things for so long.
I just begin to like it lately.
so, I kinda post some of them to share, and of course, a little bit show off.
but I realize that they are not perfect enough, and I know I've made lots of mistakes.
or maybe they do not look good from the very first place. :D
So, feel free to give mean comments, because I'll accept those comments.
at least, I can learn from that.
here are some of them.
and fyi, they were taken using my Nokia 5220 XpressMusic's camera since I don't have camera with high megapixel or scanner.
so, they may look blur and low-quality.

Labels: art
3:02 PM
I guess she doesn't like me waiting for her.
then, fine.
I give her up.
that's enough..Labels: about her
2:04 PM
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
die, die and die!
I have a good news and bad news here.
which one should I start first before the other?
umm. okay, just let me begin.
firstly, I guess I shouldn't have said anything about religion yesterday.
today I've got the karma.
I convince you, my religion mark will be totally red!
not even pass 60%, I'm sure.
we have remedial test, I know that.
I'm too lazy to join the test even if I know I don't pass.
that is me. laziness has taken part of my soul.
nothing can separate us although I want to.
so, what's the good news?
umm.. actually that's the good news.
there is something much worse than that.
tomorrow we'll have physic exam!
ohh, sh*t..
physic, physic and physic.
is there something better than physic?
ohh, of course! a lot of things!
God damn it!
I should start to love physic if I want to take the architecture.
I hate when it's true.
wewewew..Labels: school
1:13 PM
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Argh!! what a distressing life!
the semester exam has started.
there is no time to play and have fun anymore.
I hate that statement.
I have to admit it though.
ougghh, great.
we have math on our first day of exam.
however, I did it well.
so far so good.
second day of exam, religion and bahasa Indonesia.
now that I'm irritated.
is it appropriate to give an exam of 12 chapters for ONE lesson?
INSANE, if you are thinking of a word.
well, religion is important, I tell you.
but, 12 chapters?!
what a waste!
we don't even use those matters on our daily life..!
I'm not trying to mock religion, okay?
but the book, it states too much information that isn't actually crucial.
WHICH.. we call as "BeCe"!
you'll know when you see.
well, actually it's time to study now.
yeah, for jerks!
who can stand reading that kind of book for hours.. or minutes maybe?
I tell you, no one can!
no exception.
enough of it.
let's talk about my life again..
let's see..
what to tell today, pal?
oww yes.
by the way, I've just felt that she's changing, becomes strange.
I wonder what's going on.
I will help her if I can.
however, she never tells me her problems.
do women always hide their sorrow?
why don't they just tell?
I'm happy to help, but if she keeps on not telling me, how can I help?
women are hard to be understood.
people are hard to be understood.
and I, as the greatest enemy for myself, am hard to understand and to be understood.
oh yeah, I told Cindy Tantarica about my missing one of our friends, Vivi Rihanty.
it has been so long since my last contact with her.
I'm wondering what she is doing now.
she has turned even more arrogant than before. that's disappointing me.
but I should admit it that I miss her so much.
how is her life?
has she grown up?
has she become mature?
has she understood everything about this life?
has she learned to be a real adult?
I hope she's strong now, so that she won't cry that easily like she did before.
not because you've grown up that you may not cry.
it's just, don't let your tears fall down that easy..
calm and strong, that's what you need.
men are jerks, as we all know.
they don't deserve your tears. remember that!
family, friends, they are the important ones.
watch your feet, for you may not know when there is a hole waiting for you to step into.
be strong, since God won't wipe your problems out.
Instead, He will give you a strong shoulder so that you are able to carry every single of them.
I hope she will read this, although I know that it's impossible to happen.
bye friends.
got to work for my exam.Labels: about her, friends, people, school
8:42 PM
Monday, December 28, 2009
greetings, everyone..
I write this post when the clock is pointing at 1:11 AM.
well, that means it's midnight now.
28th December 2009 it is; however, I'm writing about the event on 27th December 2009.
So, today..(I guess yesterday will be better since I've passed 1 hour and 11 minutes. lol.) I went to Sun Plaza (again).
wow.. that's new.
yeahh. you wish.
Going to Sun Plaza is never a new thing to do.
you can find Medanese (+ 15 years old) who never go to Sun?
Cut my head off!
I'm kidding, okay?
It sure will be scary to find a thousand people banging at my front door in order to cut my head off after finding someone who never goes to Sun tomorrow.
here is how it was planned.
firstly, Jodhi and I planned to spend the day by going to Cambridge and having lunch there.
Well, in addition, we got Laurence and Dewi joining us too.
Secondly, we would continue our trip to Sun to hang out together and sight-see things.
then last, we would go back to our own lovely home, and everyone would be happy.. forever after.
well.. don't you think that it's kinda cliche?
unfortunately, life isn't that simple, isn't it?
plan never goes smoothly.
so, here is how it happened.
but before, I'd like to introduce everyone who was involved in this event.
Garry : myself. well, need not to put any further information, right? you should have known me, I wish. lol.
Jodhi : the driver. lol. I mean, the one who gave us rides during the event, the coolest guy in this group, ever! he was the one who asked for this hanging-out thing, yet didn't care about it. lol. nice one!
Dewi : how will I describe her? she is totally hard to describe. lol. just find her at her blog, okay?
you can find her blog at LINKS on the right side of the screen below CBOX or click here.
and last..
Laurence : a little girl (totally little, I'm serious. lol.) who I've known since primary school. she's cheerful, nice. she has big sense of humor. my sister. :D
Jodhi and I planned to go to Cambridge along with Dewi and Laurence.
everything seemed quite right until Laurence told us that she couldn't join because she had just had a problem with her father.
the situation then automatically didn't allow her to go.
Dewi who was supposed to be accompanied by Laurence once said that she wouldn't join if Laurence didn't join.
Well, did it mean Jodhi and I would have a GAY date?
that's bloody no!
the problem was then solved when Dewi told me that she's bored staying at home and wanted to go away from that bloody place and decided to join us in spite of Laurence's absence.
The situation became worse when she headed right to Sun Plaza.
well, I've told you, our first destination was Cambridge!
lol.. :D
as gentlemen, would we let Dewi to be alone there?
Of course no! (well, gentlemen don't say "of course no!" as I do. rofl)
we then passed Cambridge and headed right to Sun.
a couple minutes after, Laurence said that she could join (good news), but she had to bring her brother along.
well, no problem..
by the way, I should now introduce you all to a new comer.
Dicky : Laurence's brother. quite talkative, cheerful like his sister, a new comer of the group just so Laurence could join. :)
Dewi arrived at 2, Laurence and her brother arrived at 2.30, we arrived not even earlier. :D
We have the car! (well, it belongs to Jodhi. I mean, we got the car!)
but still we were late.
so, what's the problem?
ever see Sun's parking lot?
you'll know then.
wow, we have arrived at 2, but the searching of the parking place took most of the time.
1 hour of going around the lot was totally boring.
1 hour of waiting for Dewi and half hour for Laurence and her brother was upsetting enough, I know.. since we were the one who made the plan.
okay, let's not talk about that one.
as soon as we arrived there, Jodhi and I had forgot about our lunch.
we headed right to Starbucks and didn't talk about our lunch anymore!
really, we forgot that we hadn't eaten.
I even doubt Jodhi recognized that we didn't have our lunch.
then, 4 hours of lol-ing around, walking around, sight-seeing around, joking around, and so on.
that's what ran smoothly. :)
at 7 P.M, we went back to our own living place and the event was done!
Not really special actually, just like another story at Sun.
But I'm on top mood of EXAGGERATING. lol.
that's why I make this event to sound like a really big event.
end of the post.
ciao..Labels: friends, fun
1:07 AM
Sunday, December 27, 2009
pailakme, tapogina ngapel khi cabogina e chu.Chu bo lang..
Tapo: Beib,Wa ae ho lu khua cekai mikya..
Cabo: hamiklae beib??
Tapo: Emm,esai jib pangkeng o?
Cabo: Esai....
Tapo: Esai so mui o??
Cabo: esai....
Tapo: esai kham thanga o?
Cabo: Esai....
Tapo: Esai kham hue o??
Cabo: Esai...
Tapo: Tongkim, walang jib khi selimut yah..
Cabo: Okhe!(ane huahi)
Tapo: lu cai wa ai ho lu khua hamik bo?
Cabo: Emcai a..hamiklai si?
Tapo: Lai, lu gim w e chiu
Cabo: Trus ai cumik koq leh?
Tapo: lu khua heng, wa e sin chiu pio e tok huei e lho..hahaha
Glow in the dark e lo...
Cabo: Emay kong e lu....!!
Hehe..just for funLabels: fun
12:11 AM
Saturday, December 26, 2009
10:31 PM
Friday, December 25, 2009
I'm alone on this Christmas day, but who says it's bad?
what I did all day was thinking, day dreaming, and everything done with mind..
and at night, as my PC has been fixed, I tried to search back everything it had ever saved since I've never seen what's inside for really really long time.
and because of this circumstance, I found a really cool stuff, a file with Rich Text Format.
I was searching some pictures from folder which I used to save pictures in.
I opened "my computer" icon on the desktop, I saw one of the hard disk drive named "Data (D:)" and I double clicked it.
there was a folder named "my doc", where I saved all my files there.
I slowly pointed my pointer to the folder and I clicked on it.
I was trying to double click it, but did it too slow that I happened to rename the folder.
that was hard since my last contact with the PC. lol. :)
I tried it one more time, and I succeeded.
I needed a second to realize that I'm not used to see the scene of the PC anymore.
then, I moved my pointer to "my picture" folder before I realized that I actually got lots of text files with Ms. Word and Rich Text Format in "my doc" folder.
I then observed each of the files.
I got "another blog" with Rich Text Format, "Ant" with Ms. Word Format, "Graphic1" with CorelDraw Graphic Format, and more.
Most of them were my assignments.
and then I laughed when I saw some files named "kopekan", "kopekan 2", "kopekan 3" and so on. lol.
that's my dirty little secret..
and I couldn't believe that I saved it!
really unbelievable.
I couldn't even stop laughing. :D
I continued my work, and I froze when I found this file.
with "Microsoft Word Document" Format, size "47 KB", it was named by me as "love letter".
If I'm not mistaken, this is what I wrote to her, Vivi Rihanty.
a letter which I gave her on 14th February 2009, a day I could never forget.
if I'm not mistaken...
I double clicked on it, and here is what is written there.
Dear Vivi,
As you open and read this letter, it means that you'll see me being serious again. I know I do lots of jokes, but what I'll tell you here are all serious. Please don't laugh. Yeah, I know, I'm not really expert in writing love letter. =)
Well, I won't talk much here. One thing for sure which you should know, and I'm sure that you've known it too, is that I LOVE YOU. For real, I truly love you. This is me, the real me. I just can't tell you how much I care about you.
I write this poem, presented to a girl who knows how to be loved and cared.
"Do you remember that day?
The day when we first met
When there's no word to say
And silence hadn't passed just yet
When I could have blinded my eyes
Which might see you still
When I could then realize
They could know your will
When I could have tied my tongue
Which should say your beauty
When I could have just sung
About them in every melody
When I could have slammed my ears
Which would hear that voice
When I could just feel fear
To lose it in the crowd's noise
Ah, there you are
You've been so pretty
As I traveled back that far
I now know I'm that lucky
And if I just love you
With other things I never mind
I've committed to ask you
Would you be my valentine?"
Whatever your answer is, I'll accept it. Whatever your answer is, I'll always still be yours.
With love,
P.S. This is my first love letter and I dedicate it to someone who deserves it.
There was time when my tears forced to flow, but I soon held it inside.
these tears wanted to flow not because of the broken heart I once felt, but because of my memories about things I once had.
I miss that time, the time when I spent my precious time thinking about what to write.
I looked for words which I thought might impress her and spent almost 2 hours to write this simple love letter.
I was such a fool, wasn't I?
Yeah, and I feel funny about the love letter.
most of the words are ridiculous!
lol. :D
well, if you think I'm sad, I'm not sad.
perhaps I WAS sad.
but I'm not.
believe me.
Besides, I love someone else now, someone who actually deserves it.
So, why do I have to feel sad about it?
I even smiled when I read over it.
I guess words won't change people's mind, will it?
attitude will.
and what I'm working on is to impress my beloved one with my attitude, not with those silly words anymore.
Problems teach lessons, don't they?
By the way, isn't that "always still be yours" word kinda exaggerating? :PLabels: things
8:20 PM
I do realize that the posts which I published recently have very bad grammar and vocabulary.
well, I wrote those posts not in very good mood.
I still wrote that anyway just so that everything which ever remained in my head could remain forever in this blog.
compared to my brain, it's a sure thing that computer does better job in remembering. :D
so, I really beg your apologize if you don't feel comfortable when reading my blog.
however, my mood is on top today!
well, that does not mean that my grammar and vocabulary will be perfect.
I'm still an ordinary Asian boy with ordinary knowledge of English, lack of it if I may say. :P
So, still in the spirit of Christmas, once again I wish you all love, peace, and joy!
5 days to go before the New Year comes.
And this is what is exciting!
I will have BBQ party with my friends, and I'm sure that that's gonna be extremely fun!
Can't wait!
yeay yeay!!
by the way, my PC has been fixed, totally fixed.
great news, since playing games is now available again. lol.
well, I have a notebook from which I can play games.
I just am not brave enough to take risk to poison my notebook with such damn unimportant stuffs (I play those unimportant stuffs though. :D).
that means we should once again welcome Garry-who-is-always-lazy-in-doing-his-assignment-because-he-has-lots-of-games-to-play. lol.
I really worry about what kind of human I will be in in future.
That lol-ing thing is sure a fake thing.
argh! no time for being desperate!
Jesus will always bless my way, I'm sure.
Just like what is written in Matthew 6 : 34,
34 "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."Labels: about blog, bible, new year, things
6:54 PM
Merry Christmas everyone.
May your life be better, full of love, peace, joy and blessing.
and Happy Birthday Papa Jesus Christ!
This is really exiting!
Your birthday always brings joy and love among us.
thanks. :D
by the way, as this Christmas comes, my blog has been 1 year old.
time runs so fast, eh?
a year of telling stories and problems, with many dilemmas and problem-solving has brought me to this day, a day when I have become maturer in facing problems, more self-confident in having opportunities, open-minded in seeing people's opinion about how to solve problems, etc.
thanks to all of my friends who are taking part in my life.
your kindness remains in my heart, always and forever.
once again i'd like to say : MERRY CHRISTMAS !
enjoy your day.Labels: about blog, Christmas
12:26 AM
Thursday, December 24, 2009
before I forget, I want to tell you that I'll have present-exchanging again this christmas.
just like the previous christmas.
what is different is that i got an additional person who i'll exchange the present with.
that's the "tiger". :D
Hope everyone will like it.Labels: Christmas
1:45 AM
hi everybody.
and hi garry in the future who might be reading this.
how's your life gone?
my life is going fine, if you wish to know.
i start to write this just when the christmas eve is beyond the edge.
*11.57 PM, 23rd December 2009*
3 minutes to go and we'll all have the day before Jesus Christ's birthday.
everyone whose birthday is on 24th December, I wish you happy birthday and good luck.
have your day, friends.
whose birthday is on 25th December, be grateful because of your same birthday with Jesus Christ.
perhaps you'll get more blessing than us who don't have the same birthday with Him.
so, where are you all going this christmas eve?
do you all have plan?
may it run well, then.
wish you all luck and blessing this christmas.
this christmas should be a great day for all of us, especially Christians.
Jesus was born?
that's totally a big deal which we should always remember.
well, it's different with my situation here.
i have no plan for both christmas eve and christmas day.
who will i spend my christmas eve with?
who will i spend my christmas day with?
mother's day was passed horribly, passed without my mom by my side.
i'll have a blue christmas eve and christmas day, without any accompany.
but i should say that i'm lucky, i still have one.
Jesus Christ will accompany me.
that's what is important.
i'll never be alone forever.
thank God, thank Jesus.
I love You very much.
I can wait no longer.
may this christmas be Your attendance for the second time, in my life.
I miss You.
I'm feeling so lonely now.
Please come to me Jesus.
well, actually I want to state my today's story here..I mean, today's problem.
but I guess Jesus has swept away all my problems and worries, since I have no will to talk about the problem anymore.
thanks, Jesus.
well, as my dominant motivation is romance motivation, now I'd like to tell about my lovelife.
(the story below is only dedicated to garry in the future. you may read it, but i'm sure you won't understand it. only garry in the future and I, and God who know what it means. I write this down just so that I can always remember about how my day passes, not purposely share it to others. so I beg your apologize.)
new story and new hope, new life with new joy, new day about new personality.
It's a story about "tiger and panda".
2 animals with personality, different from fact.
tiger is supposed to be fierce, cruel, and cold-blooded.
panda is supposed to be calm, social, yet fierce in its defense.
now, think of the opposites.
and you'll know where it will take you to.
do you feel butterflies in your stomach?
you must be feeling it, I bet.
because, 1 and half year of waiting worth a thousand unimportant days of being curious.
after all, the 9th letter is the panda, and the tiger is the one to word-with-3-meaning.
I hope the day when garry in the future will be reading this is the day when the tiger has become the panda('s).
I really don't want you to be confused.
just get used to it, because some posts of mine might only be reminders for me in the future, not to be read and understood.
garry, I hope you remember..Labels: about her, Christmas
12:25 AM
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Today is my sister's birthday.
happy birthday sis!
may God bless you always.
by the way, 2 days before, her friends and I had just tricked her.
that's so much fun!
she's so innocent for not knowing what we're up to (or perhaps she's too easy to be fooled since she's a really fool! rofl. kidding sis. :D )
so, here are some people who were involved in this trick-making party. :))
Sister Herlina
Brother Salim
Sister Jubot (well, I don't know her real name, since what I heard all day was her nick. sorry sis. :) )
And just FYI, Sister Herlina and Brother Salim has engaged and will soon be married.
congratulation!Labels: people
3:08 PM
Friday, December 4, 2009
I just posted a note to facebook, on which after I take a look or two, I love very much. hehe..
here is the link..
Love is weirdLabels: about her
8:34 PM
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Right now, I'm crazy about my work arts.
well, I've been working on these things for so long.
I just begin to like it lately.
so, I kinda post some of them to share, and of course, a little bit show off.
but I realize that they are not perfect enough, and I know I've made lots of mistakes.
or maybe they do not look good from the very first place. :D
So, feel free to give mean comments, because I'll accept those comments.
at least, I can learn from that.
here are some of them.
and fyi, they were taken using my Nokia 5220 XpressMusic's camera since I don't have camera with high megapixel or scanner.
so, they may look blur and low-quality.

Labels: art
3:02 PM
I guess she doesn't like me waiting for her.
then, fine.
I give her up.
that's enough..Labels: about her
2:04 PM
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
die, die and die!
I have a good news and bad news here.
which one should I start first before the other?
umm. okay, just let me begin.
firstly, I guess I shouldn't have said anything about religion yesterday.
today I've got the karma.
I convince you, my religion mark will be totally red!
not even pass 60%, I'm sure.
we have remedial test, I know that.
I'm too lazy to join the test even if I know I don't pass.
that is me. laziness has taken part of my soul.
nothing can separate us although I want to.
so, what's the good news?
umm.. actually that's the good news.
there is something much worse than that.
tomorrow we'll have physic exam!
ohh, sh*t..
physic, physic and physic.
is there something better than physic?
ohh, of course! a lot of things!
God damn it!
I should start to love physic if I want to take the architecture.
I hate when it's true.
wewewew..Labels: school
1:13 PM
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Argh!! what a distressing life!
the semester exam has started.
there is no time to play and have fun anymore.
I hate that statement.
I have to admit it though.
ougghh, great.
we have math on our first day of exam.
however, I did it well.
so far so good.
second day of exam, religion and bahasa Indonesia.
now that I'm irritated.
is it appropriate to give an exam of 12 chapters for ONE lesson?
INSANE, if you are thinking of a word.
well, religion is important, I tell you.
but, 12 chapters?!
what a waste!
we don't even use those matters on our daily life..!
I'm not trying to mock religion, okay?
but the book, it states too much information that isn't actually crucial.
WHICH.. we call as "BeCe"!
you'll know when you see.
well, actually it's time to study now.
yeah, for jerks!
who can stand reading that kind of book for hours.. or minutes maybe?
I tell you, no one can!
no exception.
enough of it.
let's talk about my life again..
let's see..
what to tell today, pal?
oww yes.
by the way, I've just felt that she's changing, becomes strange.
I wonder what's going on.
I will help her if I can.
however, she never tells me her problems.
do women always hide their sorrow?
why don't they just tell?
I'm happy to help, but if she keeps on not telling me, how can I help?
women are hard to be understood.
people are hard to be understood.
and I, as the greatest enemy for myself, am hard to understand and to be understood.
oh yeah, I told Cindy Tantarica about my missing one of our friends, Vivi Rihanty.
it has been so long since my last contact with her.
I'm wondering what she is doing now.
she has turned even more arrogant than before. that's disappointing me.
but I should admit it that I miss her so much.
how is her life?
has she grown up?
has she become mature?
has she understood everything about this life?
has she learned to be a real adult?
I hope she's strong now, so that she won't cry that easily like she did before.
not because you've grown up that you may not cry.
it's just, don't let your tears fall down that easy..
calm and strong, that's what you need.
men are jerks, as we all know.
they don't deserve your tears. remember that!
family, friends, they are the important ones.
watch your feet, for you may not know when there is a hole waiting for you to step into.
be strong, since God won't wipe your problems out.
Instead, He will give you a strong shoulder so that you are able to carry every single of them.
I hope she will read this, although I know that it's impossible to happen.
bye friends.
got to work for my exam.Labels: about her, friends, people, school
8:42 PM